Social Engagement
We want to give back and are committed to making sustainable investments in the future of our environment and social projects.

We would like to thank our patients for their feedback and donate €10 for each Google review to Plan International.
Plan International is a religiously and ideologically independent humanitarian organization that works worldwide to promote the opportunities and rights of children. For over 80 years, it has been dedicated to ensuring that girls and boys can live a life free from poverty, violence, and injustice. The sustainable development goals of the United Nations reinforce the commitment to gender equality for girls and women. sponsors a girl from Sudan.
We are pleased to support the medical care and education of our sponsored child, as well as local awareness and measures against female genital mutilation.
We firmly believe that a healthy natural environment is the foundation for a long and healthy life.
Our practice operations are almost entirely digital, and we use, wherever medically and hygienically possible, reusable and recycled materials to save resources and raw materials.
To protect the climate and reduce our carbon footprint, we invest in some of the most powerful allies living on our planet: trees.
A tree absorbs about three tons of CO2 over the course of 100 years. Trees are one of the simplest and most effective tools against climate change, provided these trees are allowed to grow and reach their natural age.
This is what we are committed to and invest in through the Green Forest Fund.