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Minimal-invasive Stripping

The classic varicose vein surgery, performed by an experienced surgeon, is a very safe and sustainable treatment option for varicose vein disease.

We perform the classic stripping surgery on an outpatient basis and in a minimally invasive manner, ensuring the highest patient comfort with excellent medical and aesthetic results.

What does "Crossektomie and Stripping" mean?

The Babcock procedure was first performed in 1900 and has been continuously improved and developed throughout the last century. The term "Crossektomie" refers to the ligation of all venous branches of the so-called "venous star" in the groin or behind the knee to separate the superficial from the deep venous system. The term "Stripping" refers to the removal of the diseased main vein.

With our years of surgical experience, we have specialised in performing Stripping completely under local anaesthesia, allowing patients to avoid the need for general anaesthesia.

In recent years, the classic procedure has become increasingly discredited, especially with the establishment of endovenous therapy methods. However, we believe this is unjustified.

The advantage of the procedure is that it allows complete removal of the varicose vein, regardless of its anatomical variation. A high aesthetic standard for the long-term result can also be achieved with our minimally invasive approach. However, compared to endovenous catheter therapies, multiple small scars are left, and the rate of bruising is higher. The postoperative restriction of movement is also slightly longer.

We are happy to advise you on which treatment method is most suitable for you and are proud to perform all phlebologically established therapeutic methods at, including combination therapies, with the highest standards for both phlebological and aesthetic outcomes.

Our treatments

We are proud to routinely perform and offer all phlebologically established treatment methods at

Just before the surgery, the surgeon will mark the affected main vein and visible side branch varicose veins on the leg using duplex ultrasound support: This procedure is called mapping. The location and course of the vein are defined to ensure maximum therapeutic success with the highest patient safety.

Subsequently, after appropriate preparation and local anaesthesia in the operating room, a 1-2 cm incision in the groin or popliteal fossa (depending on the varicose vein to be removed) will be made to perform the so-called 'Crossektomie.

The junction of the superficial main vein (vena saphena magna and parva) with the deep venous system is carefully dissected. The varicose vein is then clamped, isolated from the deep venous system, and closed at the junction with sutures and knots.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

Overview and facts about's minimally invasive stripping.

Surgical treatment duration

Approximately 30 – 60 minutes per vein.

Anesthesia is not necessary | Fasting is not necessary

Local anesthesia through tumescent anesthesia | Intravenous sedation

Outpatient treatment

No hospital stay required

Showering and removing the plaster is possible the following day | Compression therapy for 10-14 days

Check-up in the practice after 8-10 days | Sick leave approximately 2-7 days | Sport possible after one week | Travel after 14 days

The classic treatment for your varicose veins is a safe and gentle therapy method, which may carry the following risks:

Scar formation and wound healing, disorders,
Development of lymphedema and lymphatic fistulas,
Bleeding and rebleeding,
Reappearance of spider veins,
Recurrence of varicose veins

Our Treatments